domingo, 20 de maio de 2018

The Cost Of US Weather-Climate Disasters In 2017 Was $306 Billion. How about the Climate Resilience Funds?

The adaptation to global warming vindicates resilience funds. The damage effects of the extreme weathers and the like may result in death or personal injury and losses of personal goods or of productive means. The  cost of US Weather-Climate Disasters in 2017 was $306 billion. Think about this cost at the world level!

Many times the disasters strike almost instantaneously. Sometimes, however, a climate originated disaster takes an insidious form: the drought, for instance, comes slowly. Almost not noticeable in the begin. But it may becomes highly destructive as time goes by.

If there are not funds to help those hit that otherwise would be thrown towards pronounced lower levels of perennial productivity, there is a deepening loss for the entire economies. You may not see these losses in the nationals level data, since they refer to a minority of economic agents and thus are overcomed by the annual gains of the majorities, resulting from their economic activities. But the insidious recorrence of the presence of people having  irrecuperable loss, and becoming permantently less productivies bring the entire national economies to a steady lower paths.

It is worth pointing out that to be effective as an adaptation tool, the help should be directed to move the actions of the distressed in direction of activities more resilient to the events that caused their distress. Otherwise the societies would be just socializing the losses, but not contributing to smaller losses in the future, what be called Adaptation. In accordance with the thought of José Molinelli,

geomorphologist at the University of Puerto Rico, in reference to Puerto Rico, after the disastrous huricane Maria in 1917: The intelligent, resilient vision, is to respect the places of nature, of flooded areas, he says." You have to think about how to redesign the country." But to rebuild you need funds, one needs resilience funds. 
But how about the Climate Resilience Funds?

See bellow for comparison the amounts of losses and the funds for alleviation.

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