sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012

Why adaptation? Why small windows?

We are in a process of global warming. Who doubt?

Very few people try do discredit the historical series of temperature. But the series with increasingly tendency of warming are backed by institutions as NASA, the Hadley Center of UK, Climatic Data Center of China, Environment Canada, India Meteorological Department, Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology, the Global Change Studies Impact Centre of Pakistan, INPE of Brazil, and so on. Thousands of scientists all world around, working with satellite information see a process of warming. And some people just claiming that a palm tree, in the past bringing some shadow to a unit of temperature measurement has grown a lot and does not bring the same amount of shadow to this point of time and some similar arguments wants to discredit the time series showing the tendency of the temperature in the last decades. There is no other rational position than to believe we are facing a global warming process.

And the global warming has already brought a lot of effects. Who would negate the increase in natural disasters? The increase in extreme weather events? The first hurricane in the Atlantic South, in 2004? The twisters that are abating on the inner part of the South America, that never knew this?
The terrible dryness in some parts of Australia, in Africa, in the United States?

As the central governments are worried with the causes of the global warming, as individuals and as local governments we should also care to the adaptation to soften the effects we feel.

Sometimes the adaptation to climate change is obtained with very simple measures. Think about the numbers of twisters increasing. Think about the beautiful houses with very larges windows and very large doors for the garages. They are nice for the strong winds of twisters to through them way thus penetrating in your house. And the result you know. Adaptation to Global Warming in this matter, for those who live in areas harassed by twisters, means strong small windows, very strongly firmed on the walls, and very strongly closed. Adaptation means also that some design may allow the external observer to see the window as being larger, according to the present architectural tendency, but being small as the prudence, in this case, recommend.

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