sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2013

Master plans for urban development under climate change

Good preparation of master plans for urban development and its correct implementation, both are in the sphere of action of municipal governments. Both can and should include the perspective of adaptation to global warming effects.
It is recommended that the following issues be satisfactorily addressed:
- generating a physical configuration that minimizes effects caused by natural disasters;
- to serve the population in case of natural disasters;
- to take into account the question of the temperature rise caused by the heat island effect; and,
- in coastal cities, to the setting of the city and its urban public facility taking into account the projected rise in sea level.
[Based in the Final Report of the Research “Education, Information and Local Adaptation Measures to Global Warming” carried on the Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Recife, 2009]

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